Odnosi s javnošću ili PR u posljednje su vrijeme postali iznimno važni za svaku organizaciju ili poduzeće. Agencija Brzi mediji iz Varaždina nudi sveobuhvatnu uslugu vođenja svih vrsta svečanih i zabavno-glazbenih programa i manifestacija, uključujući različite obljetnice, godišnje proslave, ili ostale organizirane priredbe. Način rada prilikom organizacije evenata teži prema cjelovitom rezultatu – sve mora biti kvalitetno pripremljeno, sadržajno, kratko i jasno, dakle uspješno.


Temeljem stručne pripreme i prezentacije pred različitim hrvatskim i europskim ustanovama i institucijama uz sudjelovanje Agencije Brzi mediji, Varaždin i Hrvatska bili su domaćini brojnim državnim, europskim i svjetskim sportskim natjecanjima, poput Svjetskog prvenstva u rukometu 2009., Davis Cup meča Hrvatska-Ekvador 2010., Europskog prvenstva u stolnom tenisu 2020. godine, te brojnih nogometnih reprezentativnih domaćih i međunarodnih susreta, uključujući nebrojene kulturne, javne, političke i zabavno-glazbene događaje.  


Nudimo organizaciju programa ili manifestacije po sistemu „Ključ u ruke“, počevši od osmišljavanja i izrade sinopsisa do organizacije konferencija za medije i prosljeđivanja obavijesti o manifestaciji putem lokalnih i nacionalnih medija. Paralelno radimo na osmišljavanju programa i realizaciji cjelokupne manifestacije (Dan obrtnika grada Varaždina, Špancirfest, Dani tržnice, Voloderske jeseni, Revije mažoret timova, dočeci Nove godine, Folkofonija, Dani vjenčanja, Dani otvorenih vrata različitih namjena, itd.). Voditeljska i organizacija iskustva tijekom proteklih godina garantiraju uspješan slijed svega navedenog. 


Koordinacija aktivnosti vezanih za pripremu, provedbu I kontrolu projekata financiranih iz EU fondova i drugih izvora financiranja. Višegodišnje iskustvo u dobivanju sredstava iz fondova Europske Unije na desecima različitih projekata kroz aktivnosti s kolegama iz brojnih država Europske Unije, migrantima, humanitarnim organizacijama iz Grčke, Albanije, Rumunjske, Mađarske, Italije, Francuske, Belgije, Njemačke, Švedske, Danske i Velike Britanije. Aktivnosti su provođene i s vojnim ratnim zarobljenicima, Međunarodnim Crvenim križem, UNPROFOR-om i drugim institucijama na kriznim područjima, uz komunikaciju i ispomoć potrebitima u kriznim vremenima.

Što kažu naši klijenti o nama

On a behalf of Yugotours London, which won the “Silver Globe” award for “Best Specialist Tour Operator” in 1988, as the highest prize of the British Travel Trade for the tremendously successful Year in its operations, and also according to the special acclaim from the British press “Best representatives” in WHICH? Magazine, WOMAN magazine, Thomas Cook Travel Agents, THE TIMES newspaper and CHANNEL 4 T.V. “4 What Its Worth” – with such a high standard of achievements it is my duty and pleasure to state that mr Alexander Grabaric has been extremely successful employee and colleague during his Summer and Winter seasons spent with Yugotours London. We would like to point out the effort and success he has achieved which we substantiate with numerous statements of our satisfied guests after their Holidays with Yugotours and we responsibly recommend his services in Tourism for the future.
Elizabeth Redmond

Representatives Manager, Yugotours London, UK

We undersigned certify that Mr. Aleksandar Grabaric born on 13.3.1964 of Croatian nationality, was employed as Field Officer I at the Delegation of the International Comittee of the Red Cross (ICRC) from August 01,1992 do June 11,1993. During this period, he performed his duties conscientiously to our satisfaction. He leaves us on his own will and is free of any commitment towards us other than pledge of discretion regarding his professional activities while in our employment. We wish him success in his future career.
Denis Sintes

Administrative Coordinator at Comité International de la Croix-Rouge

My experience with Mr Alexander Grabaric are very positive. We share a common history in the execution of an extremely exciting EU program, regarding Europe of citizen. I do strongly recomend him.
Ivan Jedvaj

Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Zagreb School of Economics and Management (

Mr Grabarić is a man with great communication skills . He has the experience and the potential to adjust to any challenge . He is highly recommended by me.
Nikos Katanas

City councilman at the Ministry of Migration and Asylum Kato Milia, Refugee Camp Manager; Municipality of Katerini, Greece.

My experience with Brzi mediji Agency and Mr Alexander Grabaric was very positive. We shared together the implementation of a project funded within the Europe for Citizens programme.  He was very committed.

Gabriele Sospiro

Director of European Centre for Economic and Policy Analysis and Affairs; Brussels, Belgium.

I have known Aleksandar during the implementation of the Europe for Citizen Project “REACT’ where both our institutions were partners. In the framework of the implementation of the project, Aleksandar has contributed with an outstanding professionalism. He has always been ready and happy to help with the organization of different international events with his expertise and readiness. It has been a pleasure to work with a colleague like Alexandar and I would recommend his company in the future local and international initiatives.

Dr. Belina Bedini

Lecturer Aleksander Moisiu University of Durres, Albania.

U našoj višegodišnjoj zajedničkoj suradnji imamo samo lijepa i pozitivna iskustva vezana uz medijska praćenja i provedbe mnogih projekata putem naših različitih udruga kao i općine Breznički Hum s Brzim medijima. Naročito pozitivno iskustvo dijelimo na provedbi međunarodnih projekata diljem Europe, predstavljajući tako naše ljude, običaje i lokalnu zajednicu.

Zoran Hegedić

Načelnik općine Breznički Hum.